Adapted from Thomas à Kempis (1379-1471)

In You, O Lord God, I place my whole hope and refuge; on You I rest all my difficulties and anguish; for I find all that I see, outside of You, to be weak and untrue. For a multitude of friends cannot provide benefit, nor strong helpers assist, nor great literature...

Adapted from Thomas à Kempis (1379–1471)

O Lord my God, be not far from me. My God, look upon me to help me, for there have risen up against me various thoughts and great fears afflicting my soul–How shall I pass through unhurt? How shall I break them to pieces? This is my hope, my only consolation, to trust...

Adapted from St. Augustine (354–430)

Look upon us, O Lord, and let all the darkness of our souls vanish before the beams of Your brightness. Fill us with holy love, and open to us the treasures of Your wisdom. All our desire is known to You, therefore complete what You have begun, and what Your Spirit...

Adapted from Henry W. Foote (1838–1889)

O holy and loving Father, whose mercies are from everlasting to everlasting, we thank You that Your children can flee for refuge in their afflictions to the blessed certainty of Your love. From every grief that burdens our spirits, from the sense of solitude and loss,...

Adapted from Christina G. Rosetti (1830-1895)

O Lord, who are as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land, who sees Your weak creatures, weary of labor, weary of pleasure, weary of hope deferred, weary of self, in Your abundant compassion and unutterable tenderness, bring us, we pray, unto Your rest–Amen.  Back...

Adapted by Henry W. Foote (1838-1889)

Holy Father, one way that You manifest Yourself to Your children is by the discipline of trial and pain. We rejoice that we can turn to You in the middle of great anxiety, and commit all our troubles to Your sure help. As You are with us in the sunlight, oh, be with...