O Father, this day may bring some difficult task to our life, or some difficult trial to our love. We may grow weary or sad or hopeless in our circumstances. But Father, our whole life until now has been one great proof of Your care. Bread has come for our body, thoughts to our mind, love to our heart, and all from You. So help us, we beseech You, while we still stand on this side of all that the day may bring, to resolve that we will trust You this day to shine into any gloom of the mind, to stand by us in any trial of our love, and to give us rest as we need, in Your good time. May this day be full of a power that shall bring us near to You and make us more like You. O God, may we so trust You this day, that when the day is done, our trust shall be firmer than ever. Then, when our last day comes and our work is done, may we trust You in death and forever, in the spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord – Amen.