Most merciful God, descend into my soul, which You have prepared for Your reception by the desire which You have breathed into it. Before I ever cried out to You, You, most Merciful, had called and sought me, that I might find You and in finding You, to love You. Even so I sought and found You, Lord, and desire to love You. Increase my desire, and grant me what I ask. See, I love You, but too little. Strengthen my love. When my spirit looks up to You, and meditates on your unspeakable goodness, my fleshly burdens become less heavy, my troubled thoughts are stilled, the weight of mortality is less oppressive. Then gladly would my soul find wings, that she might rise in tireless flight ever upwards to Your glorious throne, and there be filled with the refreshing solace that belongs to the citizens of heaven–Amen.