O my God, You and You alone are all-wise and all-knowing! I believe that You know exactly what is best for me. I believe that You love me better than I love myself. You are both all-wise in Your Providence and all-powerful in Your protection. I thank You with all my heart that You have taken me out of my own keeping, and have called me to put myself in Your hands. I can ask nothing better than this, for the course of my life to be directed by You, not by me. O my Lord, through Your grace, I will follow You wherever You go, and will not lead the way. I will wait for Your guidance, and on obtaining it, I will act in simplicity and without fear. I promise I will not be impatient, if at any time I am in darkness and perlexity. Nor will I complain or fret if I come into any misfortune or anxiety–Amen.